- Islam is religion to teach us that the universe was created by a single, all-powerful divine being.
- Muslims consider Islam to be the authentic religion that God has revealed to humanity.
- Anybody can follow it wherever, at any time, as it is a universal religion.
- This style of life is around complete surrender to God.
- Islam is a comprehensive, all-encompassing system of life that addresses every facet of existence.
- Islam teaches people how to live in all spheres of life: social, political, economic, legal, cultural, individual, and material.
- It does not spare any detail in this regard.

- Prophet Muhammad said: “Islam began as a small religion and will return to the state in which it began. Then blessed will be the few [who hold to it]”. MUSLIM
- “Strange” points to the very small number of supporters.
- To be a stranger, or ghareeb, is to be distant from one's place of origin.
- The phrase "and will return to being strange" indicates to the tiny percentage of people who will follow its teachings despite the large number of its adherents.
Reasons to explore and follow Islam:
- Simple to Understand:
- There are no intellectual roadblocks in Islam.
- It avoids making statements that are too strong for words.
- Islam does not offer something to a person that is over the powers of human reason.
- Islam is a universal religion that anyone can understand.
- Islam is a universal religion:
- Islam does not force you to choose between religions.
- It contains all the teachings of religions such as the correct Torah and the Bible without distortion.
- Allah has sent Muhammad the final message, the Qur'an, to include the teachings of all religions.
- Logical system:
- Islam is the only religion that can invite research into the texts of other religions to compare them with its teachings and the extent of their relevance or deviation from it.
- at the same time Islam does not attack other religions, but discusses right and wrong according to the principles of the True Religion.
- Religious Tolerance:
- A Muslim's respect for other religions stems from his respect for the orders of his religion.
- it is not right for a Muslim to despise other religions. Muslims believe that every person is born on Fitrah and that this Fitrah is implanted in him before his birth.
- The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Every child is born with a true faith of Islam (i.e. to worship none but Allah Alone) and his parents convert him to Judaism or Christianity or Magianism..”. BUKHARI.
- Social justice and freedom:
- Medina was the first model of a Muslim society that guaranteed justice for all.
- People have lived for centuries under this wonderful system! The Prophet Muhamad, the mercy to mankind, has come to give us the teachings and also teach us the limits of our freedom.
- Allah has given free will to slaves to use in his obedience and worship, and this does not negate the punishment of those who abuse this freedom.
- Freedom in Islam comes from adherence to responsibility and dedication in choosing the right ways; a Muslim clings to this freedom according to the options available to him, without any encroachment, otherwise there will be a collapse in the morals of society.
- Rights of woman in Islam:
- In surat AL-Nisa, Allah has told us about the basics of her rights as her social rights to educate as males. Economic rights: “…For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned.. ” (AL NISA :32)
- As a wife, The Quran has many verses that assure women that they will be safeguarded, supported wholeheartedly, shown kindness, and granted a host of other rights in marriage that were not previously accorded to women.
- Real life meanings:
- The life of a Muslim is taken seriously; it is not aimless or just for entertainment.
- A Muslim believes that everything was created by Allah for wisdom and a purpose with which he gives meaning to human life.
- So, a Muslim cannot be bored or overly worried about his life, because he believes in fate, his heart is full of Allah who created him and that everything that happens is made by Allah.
Now, what to do if you want to become a Muslim?
- First of all, to say the shahadah; you believe that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger.
- To repeat the shahadah with your tongue and heart, to understand with your heart that the universe has one Lord and one creator, and to believe that Musa, Isa and Muhamad (peace be upon them) are the prophets and messengers of Allah.
- Secondly, learn the pillars of Islam.
- The pillars of Islam serve as a foundation of the House.
- You have already learned one of them; saying shahadah.
- After that, you learn how to pray, its times and positions, and then fasting; why and when to fast? This is followed by zakaah; you learn how to purify your heart from the love of the world and learn how to give money to your poor brother. Finally, perform the hajj for those who could find a way to it.
- And here, you have reached a page in the White Book of your life. The pre-Islamic past has been erased, as if it had never been!! Now you can fill it with good deeds and avoid the bad as much as you could.

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